Super healthy and delicious young shoots of well-known vegetables. They are richer in vitamins and minerals than their mature variants (rich in antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, vitamins C, E, K, potassium, calcium, ...).
Discover them and get started with their surprisingly intense taste and colour! Use them to garnish your dishes, in your salad, on your sandwich, in your soup, ... the possibilities are endless.
From farm to table
By working with as few intermediaries as possible and distributing our product locally, we reduce our ecological footprint and keep the product fresh a longer period.
Shortly after the harvest and from our farm directly to your plate, that's what we aim for. Short chain distribution is a key value to us.
Vertical & indoor in a sustainable way
The agriculture of the future is more efficient and consumes less resources. By placing different levels on top of each other and by using vacant places in the city. We make it possible to produce a lot on a small area and close to you, our customer.
We use energy-efficient LED lamps, making our city farm a sunny day every day and we can guarantee qualitative products all year round.
Unique growing environment
We use technology to be able to produce more, but also to make our vegetables tastier and more sustainable. Our hydroponics system saves up to 70% in water consumptioncompared to traditional agriculture. We use the residual heat from the building to keep our plants warm.
But there is more than just production. The social aspect also counts for us. We work together with Atelier Groot Eiland VZW , which means that we can count on social employment in our production.
Your delicious micro vegetables are therefore not only better for the environment but also socially responsible.
our goal
Supplying big cities with localy grown fresh vegetables, Which are cultivated in a sustainable manner and with attention to social employment. You can already find our addresses in Brussels restaurants, hotels, bars, and shops.
Wondering where? Discover it on our facebook and instagram page.
Discover our healthy and tasty products.
- Ropsy Chaudronstraat 24
1070 Anderlecht - +32470/53.08.01
- hello@microflavours.brussels